The Cup Match stars of tomorrow?
Created: Jul 18, 2013 08:00 AM (Updated: Jul 18, 2013 08:01 AM)
For the past three weeks approximately 40 or so boys aged between 8 and 12 have been at Victor Scott to try out for Mini Cup Match.The Department of Youth and Sport Summer Day Camps sports coordinators, Quincy Aberdeen, and Devarr Boyles, have been coordinating the try outs.Quincy Aberdeen and Devarr Boyles have the hard task to pick the two teams of fifteen.“Basically we have a selection process to choose teams, returning players stay with their current team,” said Mr Aberdeen.Mini Cup Match will be at West Pembroke on July 26th.Adult players join in the fun, and come and assist with commentating, and the opening ceremony. Mini Cup Match welcomes the public to attend and support the youth.