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CedarBridge students help families in need

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Working to assist families in need, the CedarBridge Academy Student Government Association, under the guidance of SGA Leader Khandice Darrell, organised a School Spirited Grub Day.

Students were allowed to wear grub day clothes, however, they were required to wear their Year Level T-shirts, in an effort to demonstrate School Spirit.

In order to wear their Year Level T-shirts with grub day clothes, students were required to bring cans of food or $3. Students from the SGA greeted students at the gate collecting food items and cash. They checked each can as it entered to ensure that the dates had not expired, to ensure that all recipients of the canned goods, had quality items they can use during the holiday season.

Upcoming events organised by the SGA will be, a bake sale on Friday December 13, followed by Winter Fest on December 14, 2013, proceeds will benefit the Typhoon Relief in the Philippines.