Marley and crochet: Hooked for life
Created: May 01, 2014 08:00 AM (Updated: May 01, 2014 08:39 AM)
Marley is ten years old and attends West Pembroke Primary. At eight Marley decided she wished to learn how to crochet. She clicked on YouTube and the rest is history. Each Saturday Marley visits Gibbons Company in search of crochet patterns. Marley’s mother, Ms Todd, told us “she goes to Gibbons Company and the ladies help her understand the patterns and encourage her to do more”.
Marley is currently working on a stuffed cow toy. Marley told us “crochet helps me relax, I like to do it all year round after my homework”. She went on to say “my favourites are Larry Veg and the Ginger Bread House. I take my crochet needles everywhere I go.”