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Youth Library picks of the week

Junior 7-10

Ballerina dreams: From Orphan to Ballerina, by Michaela DePrince. New York: Random House, c2014.

The author traces her rise from orphan in war-torn Sierra Leone to one of America’s most accomplished ballerinas, discussing her adoption, training, and performances. J/DEP

Young Adult (Fiction) 12+

Insurgent, by Veronica Roth. New York: Katherine Tegen Books, c 2012.

As war surges in the dystopian society around her, Divergent Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves — and herself — while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love. YA/ROT

Boys Club

Boys’ Club is a mentoring programme of organised activities for boys aged eight to 13. One afternoon might find the young men discussing their favourite book, or something they’re currently reading. Another time, they may have a guest lecturer talking about a specific career opportunity or challenge an opponent to a game of chess.

The club allows young boys to meet in small groups of their peers to share their interests, concerns, successes and challenges. While the activities are supervised, the programme is casual, and young people can attend as they are able, without having to commit to a set number of weeks. It is free of charge and takes place from 1pm to 3pm and is run by Chris Jackson.