Helping our students to go green
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children” — Navajo proverb
An international programme from the Foundation for Environmental Education, the Eco-Schools initiative aims to empower students to be the change our sustainable world needs by engaging them in fun, action-orientated learning.
Each school follows a seven-step change process and empowers their young people to lead processes and actions wherever they can.
Eco-Schools is implemented in 55 countries, involving 46,000 schools. The programme is also recognised by the United Nations as a model initiative for their Education for Sustainable Development.
In October 2013, Greenrock was honoured to be recognised as the FEE representative in Bermuda, offering local schools the opportunity to become Eco-Schools.
Our pre-existing Green Schools programme formed the basis of, and has been replaced by, Eco-Schools. Primary, middle and secondary schools are invited to participate.
Over time and through commitment to the Eco-Schools seven-step process, improvements will be seen in the learning outcomes, attitude and behaviour of students and the local community, and ultimately the local environment.
Evidence of success in these areas will eventually lead to a school being awarded the “Green Flag”.
The need
Bermuda's schools do not have a recognised, integrated environmental education programme that promotes long-term, whole-school (students, teachers, parents, community) action for sustainability.
According to the Centre for Green Schools, a green school can improve student performance and health, while decreasing operational costs and energy demands, protecting the environment.
In addition, there is a holistic approach that combines learning and action:
• Helps students to feel a part of their immediate environment
• Gives an understanding of the costs of continuing in unsustainable ways
• Involves individuals in successful change, increasing their sense of self-efficacy
• Instils the desire to take on responsibility for the environment
• Provides the tools to make the appropriate changes
• Empowers individuals to take the necessary steps to protect the future.
Greenrock's approach
Our approach starts with the Greenrock School Roadshow, introducing students to sustainable living concepts.
This energy can then be harnessed to form an Eco-Club or Green Team — if one does not exist.
Greenrock will assist schools interested in forming an Eco-Club or Green Team. Greenrock will continue to support the school Eco-Club or Green Team as they choose an environment theme or pathway and progress through the “Seven Steps to Sustainability”:
1. Eco-Schools committee (Green Team)
2. Environmental review
3. Action plan
4. Monitor and evaluate
5. Curriculum work
6. Inform and involve
7. Produce an Eco-Code
Once a school has registered and implemented the steps it can apply for an Eco-Schools award. After accomplishing seven steps on the first pathway, the school is eligible for the Green Seed award; after the second pathway, international accreditation and the Green Flag.
• For more information, e-mail