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Team building with a difference

Learning the ropes: students tackle rope climbing as part of an obstacle course at Warwick Camp (Photograph supplied)

After a gruelling but fun day at Warwick Camp, M3 Keshun Clark of TN Tatem, said: “I learnt to encourage and help my team-mates in order for us all to succeed.”

Keshun was one of 68 students and ten teacher advisers who attended Warwick Camp, home of the Royal Bermuda Regiment, for a day of team building, bonding and leadership activities.

The students were met by Colour Sergeant Tim Furr, who walked everyone through the series of obstacles and challenges that had been laid out for the students.

“We divided up into four teams,” said Sharnelle Turini, the M3 Team Leader. “Colour Sergeant Furr explained that we had to help each other at different obstacles if they became difficult.”

Aries Mosely-Lee said: “On the obstacle course we had to crawl under barbed wire and balance on logs. We had to listen to each other and help each other out if things became difficult!”

Kezjah Weeks said: “I learnt that some exercises can be completed faster if we all work together, you need teams. It’s all about teams helping each other.”

Leslie Bean, a teacher adviser, said: “It was a good experience for the children. The children learnt to encourage and help each other when they found themselves in difficult situations.”

Kezhah Weeks said: “I learnt today that it’s all about helping each other. It’s all about being part of a team.”

While Ms Turini said: “We saw leaders emerging from each team as they encouraged and supported one another during the exercises. Not only were the obstacles physically and mentally challenging, but we had to deal with very high temperatures that day.”

At the end of the day, the students and teachers left knowing how to appropriately function as a unit and felt more cohesive and connected, with a deeper respect for one another.

Finding a way: crawling beneath barbed wire and over and under logs, students find a way through the obstacle course (Photograph supplied)
Up and down: students navigate their way over and under logs during the obstacle course (Photograph supplied)
Up to the challenge: students climbing over logs with a safety net beneath (Photograph supplied)