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TN Tatem is sailing towards classroom success

With the wind: instructor Moriah Wheddon with TN Tatem Middle School students, from left, Uni Simmons, Michael Scott and Mikael Augustus in action in the Endeavour Programme

A group of TN Tatem Middle School M1 students recently completed the school’s sailing programme at Dockyard last week.

During the weeklong programme the students learnt the fundamental principles behind steering and manoeuvring the Hobie Wave training vessels, with each student taking control of the helm and issuing instructions to the other crew members.

“I like learning this way” said Conor Tatem of TN Tatem Middle School. “I’m learning math, science and sailing and teamwork all at the same time!”

“We focus not just on sailing but on the concepts behind Stem technology” added Moriah Wheddon, one of the three sailing instructors in charge of the programme.

“The idea of teamwork is very important” said Matt Stephens, one of the programme instructors. “Each crew member has to rely on the others so that the vessel is kept upright and sailing smoothly.”

In addition to sailing instruction, the youngsters learnt about different aspects of international weather systems, ocean currents — and the fragile ocean environment.

Instructor Tristan Loescher held up a large piece of plastic during one of the classroom sessions.

“This piece was traced back to an area off the coast off Portugal,” Mr Loescher explained to the students. “It was carried on ocean currents thousands of miles across the Atlantic to Bermuda.”

Later in the week the students sailed their Hobies to a nearby beach where they completed a project involving the collection and categorising of different pieces of trash washed up there.

“I saw real growth in all of our students” said Mrs Waverley Minors, TN Tatem staff member.

“They learnt not only sailing but different ways of learning math and science — from measuring the area of sails to learning about weather patterns and systems.

“The Endeavour Programme has helped them all grow as individuals.”

“We really enjoyed our week” agreed M1 student Michael Scott. “We learnt sailing and swimming and math and science as well. It was very exciting!”