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Knowing your neurons

Group project: Neil Varwandkar, right, with Michael Costello (Photograph submitted)

My name is Neil Varwandkar, and I am an M3 student attending Somersfield Academy.

I am doing a project along with my group members Michael Costello and Alana Frith.

We chose to do a project on neurological disorders — raising awareness for three specific disorders: Tourette’s syndrome, executive function disorder and ADHD.

A neurological disorder is any type of disorder that is connected with the brain and is caused by any abnormalities in the nervous system.

Let’s start off with Tourette’s. Tourette’s is characterised by repeated and involuntary tics, which are a series of sharp movements or out of character body jerks. Most commonly found between the ages of 3 to 9, Tourette’s often makes it difficult for the child to learn in school.

In any mental challenge, there is always the severe and the simple parts of it and Tourette’s has some of the most severe out of all neurological disorders.

Some severe and more complex parts of Tourette’s include jumping around, spinning in circles, repeating sounds or words or having loud outbursts filled with non-stop cursing.

Is this the child’s fault? Absolutely not, but to others viewing the kid, they assume he/she is very rude and ill behaved. This can give the child many problems in not only school but at home as well, and we are trying to raise awareness for it.

The next disorder that we are focusing on is Executive Function Disorder. It isn’t as well known as many of the other disorders, but in some cases can be troublesome.

Executive function is the self-management system of the brain, and is like a to-do list. However, kids with executive functioning issues struggle to remember certain tasks and often cannot handle large lists or a large series of instructions.

Some daily activities are harder to accomplish for these kids because it is harder for them to remember instructions and carry out regular tasks.

Since executive function disorder is not as well recognised as autism, or ADHD, it is important that we raise awareness for it, and put it into the spotlight as much as possible.

Finally, we raise awareness about ADHD, one of the most common disorders found in a lot of kids and teenagers.

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactive disorder. It is usually diagnosed at the childhood phase and some of the symptoms include becoming distracted very easily, being overactive or having impulsive actions that cannot be controlled.

ADHD doesn’t have a cure, but you can take medication for it to help reduce the symptoms.

Also, kids with ADHD are often seen as lazy and unorganised, which can put down many kids, which is why it is important to raise awareness for it.

In all, our goal is to raise a lot of awareness on the subject of neurological disorders and we hope that this article has given you some information about the topic.