536 results returned for search: "" category "Technology"
Boating, beaches, fishing, family picnics, movies and Xbox, that’s what summers are made of in Bermuda.
Every summer parents struggle to find innovative ways to hone and develop the learning skills of their children and so they should.
Research ind...
DATE: Jul 04, 2012
Q: What is copyright Infringement?
A: Copyright infringement is the use of content such as videos, artwork, music, and other proprietary works without having gained permission from the owner.
The actual state of the content is irrelevant — a book ma...
DATE: Jul 04, 2012
Once school lets out for the summer, many parents begin to fret about whether or not their children will forget everything they’ve learned during the school year. Have no fear! The exploding trend of online education is offering up some tremendous re...
DATE: Jul 04, 2012
A mobile app that’s popular with Bermuda tourists is trying to help local businesses struggling in this tough economic climate.
Go Explore Bermuda, one of the first and most popular Bermuda-related apps, is offering restaurants, shops and other busi...
DATE: Jul 04, 2012
CellOne customers can now get one data plan that will work on both their smartphone and tablet. For $9 extra a month, customers can share their existing phone data plan with their iPad or other device — allowing them to stay connected without having ...
DATE: Jul 04, 2012
So your old picture tube or rear projection TV has finally bit the dus” and you are looking to replace it with one of the new thin flat screen TVs.
You’ve heard the expression “it’s a jungle out there” and this applies equally to the flat screen TV ...
DATE: Jun 27, 2012
Q: What is e-commerce?
A: E-commerce is the act of buying or selling something online.
The term e-commerce was the predecessor to online shopping, which was developed by Michael Aldrich in 1979.
Some other terms emerging as a result of e-commerce a...
DATE: Jun 27, 2012
Every time I log onto Facebook I see notifications of friends posting on Pinterest and after some research can understand why. Pinterest is currently ranked the third largest social networking site with over 13 million subscribers, surpassed only by ...
DATE: Jun 27, 2012
NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon.com wants ". joy," Google wants ". love" and L'Oreal wants ". beauty."
Big brands are behind hundreds of proposals for new internet addresses, including scores for generic terms such as "cruise," ". children" and ". tires."
If ...
DATE: Jun 27, 2012
CellOne announced yesterday that it’s now selling the hugely popular new Samsung Galaxy S3 Android smartphone.
On Wednesday, The Royal Gazette reported that Audio Visual Electronics was the first to have the phone in stock last week and promptly sol...
DATE: Jun 22, 2012